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  As with any surgery, breast augmentation does have some risks and complications associated with
it. This section is not meant to scare you as all risks and complications are extremely rare, but we
believe you should be aware about the following before going ahead with surgery.

Choosing a PLASTIC SURGEON means you are going to someone with years of specialist training
which is very important in breast augmentation. At your consultation make sure you ask your surgeon
what qualifications they have and in what specialty, and how many breast augmentations they have
performed. Also ask your surgeon about risks and what is their procedure should any complications
happen to you and how much additional surgeries may cost.

  Surgery Risks

  Risks during and just after surgery include complications from anesthesia, excessive bleeding and
infection. Very rarely some of these complications result in a second operation and/or removal of the

  Most breast augmentationa are performed under general anesthetic and it is important you have a
board certified anesthesiologist present at your surgery. Do make sure you have nothing to eat or
drink from midnight the night before, to time of surgery (including water). It is common to experience
nausea and vomiting after surgery from the anesthesia, this should subside in a few days with plenty
of water and rest.

  Excessive bleeding or a hematoma can occur, which may require drainage. It is important that you
you do not take any products containg aspirin, anti-inflammatories, blood thinners or vitamin E for 14
days prior to your operation as these medications can greatly increase the risk of bleeding.

  Infection can also occur, which can be treated with antibiotics. Symptoms include fever, extreme
breast tenderness and swelling.

  Some people have allergic reactions to medications after surgery which usually involve nausea
and vomiting and the medication not reducing pain.

  Please note, it is common for you to feel mild symptoms of some of the above after surgery so
please do not panic. If you feel any of the symptoms are not normal do call your surgeon to be safe.


  Capsular Contracture
  When a foreign object like a breast implant is placed into the body, the body naturally forms a
capsule or scar tissue around the object. Sometimes this capsule or scar tissue can contract, which
is known as Capsular Contracture and is the most common complication with women with breast implants. There are varying grades of Capsular Contracture, from the implant feeling slightly firm to
the implant becoming hard and distorted in shape.

  There a few ways that surgeons can try and avoid Capsular Contracture in a patient, but not all are
in agreement with the following. Some believe that submuscular placement instead of subglandular
reduces the chances. Textured implants were thought to avoid excessive scar tissue forming and
contracting, but some studies show the CC rate does not seem any lower with textured vs. smooth
implants. Many surgeons recommend massage after surgery to keep the pocket open and therefore
not allowing the capsule to form too tight. It is also said that taking Vitamin E orally (from about a
month after surgery) may assist.

  Once the capsule has contracted there are a few ways to treat it. One way that is not recommended
by implant manufacturers is to squeeze the implant to try and open up the tissue. Theres is a
possibility of rupturing the implant with this technique. The most effective technique is for a surgeon
to reoperate, and cut away the capsule and scar tissue from the implant.

  Rupturing and Deflation

  When an implant ruptures or deflates there can be a variety of reasons why: the implant was faulty,
implant was damaged at time of surgery, implant was overfilled too much causing tension, or trauma
to the breast (including squeezing to treat CC). Implants may not last your lifetime either, so deflation
could also be from normal use and age.

  When an saline implant has deflated many women notice the breast size has changed but this can
happen quickly or over some time. The saline solution will leak into your body and the implant will
have to be removed and/or replaced.

  When one of the new cohesive silicone gel implants ruptures a patient could get similar symptoms
such as decreased breast size, but many may not know the implant has ruptured (as implant may still
maintain its shape as the gel is a thicker material). If you are considering the new cohesive gel
implants talk to your surgeon about detecting a rupture.

  Implant replacement due to deflation or rupture could be covered by the implant manufacturer but
you will have to pay surgical costs.

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