21 year-old 5’4” 114 lbs. mother of one underwent bilateral breast augmentation with Mentor moderate plus saline implants filled to 450 cc behind the muscle. A to D cup bra size. |
24 year-old 5?6? 145 lbs. female requesting bilateral breast augmentation following significant weight loss. Augmentation carried out with Mentor cohesive anatomic moderate plus profile gel implants measuring 525 cc placed in front of the muscle. B to D cup bra size. |
23 year-old 5?4? 130 lbs. female requesting bilateral breast augmentation. Transaxillary endoscopic bilateral breast augmentation carried out with Mentor smooth round moderate profile saline implants placed through the armpit under the muscle filled to 350 cc A to C cup bra size. |
24 year-old 5?10? 130 lbs. female underwent transxillary endoscopic bilateral breast augmentation with Mentor smooth round moderate profile gel
implants placed through the armpit under the muscle measuring 450 cc.
A to C/D cup bra size. |
34 years old, 5’2”, 2 children. Mentor round 450cc silicone gel implants placed through the armpit under the muscle. A to D cup. |