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  After breast augmentation, is it normal for the whole area in general to feel numb and tight,
making the massages painful, and how long does this generally last? How often / how many
times a day should you massage your breasts and for how many weeks afterwards?
Thank you very much for your attention and time.

Dear Tina
   It is quite normal after breast augmentation for the whole area to have a feeling of tightness, especially if larger implants have been placed. As the skin gently relaxes, the tightness gets less
and less. The first 2 weeks are the tightest but it can take 2 or 3 months for the feeling to go away
   A feeling of numbness in the skin can also be present. Again, this goes away over a few weeks.
Nipple numbness is rare but if it occurs it is usually temporary. Nipple hypersensitivity is much
more common and this goes away with time and massage.
   These feelings of tightness and numbness can make the massage techniques painful, especially
in the beginning. However, it is very important to start early (within a few days of surgery) in order to
keep the implant pockets soft and supple. At the start, gentle exercises may be all that can be
tolerated but by 2 or 3 weeks, most patients can be much more vigorous.
   I recommend to my patients that they do the massage exercises for 5-10 minutes twice a day. The
longer you do them, the softer the implants will be so I recommend continuing for at least 2 or 3
months. Even after this, it may be advantageous to continue doing the exercises daily, perhaps as
part of the showering routine.
Dr. Nicolas M. Hynes, M.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.S.C

(Please note: does not quarantee an answer and will only post general breast augmentation questions and answers. Please do not email personal information, as only a consultation with a surgeon can properly answer specific questions. The answer is the opinion of the plastic surgeon listed and may not be the opinion of other surgeons as each has their own preference and technique. The answers in this section are for general information purposes only.)



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